Inspiration and Hope

During, what should be, the least stressful season of the year for many of us, we have experienced disturbing times. The ongoing conflicts around our fractured world, especially in Ukraine and Gaza, continue to horrify us daily as we pray fervently for an end to such horrors, particularly when we see the images of terrified children and heartbroken adults on our television screens.

Closer to home, we shockingly saw the deaths of three totally innocent and adored little girls, Bebe, Elsie and Alice, who died as a result of unfathomable violence, in Southport. To add to the trauma, we witnessed the ensuing hate motivated riots which broke out across the UK. Such events, together with climate change associated issues such as wildfires in Europe, are enough to drive any of us to despair. For most of us the world can be a very scary place.

Every day our news headlines are filled with stories about war, sickness, cost of living concerns, global warming, violent crimes and more. However, from the depressing events in our own small country we can take inspiration and hope from those who rallied in the varying communities to address the trail of totally unnecessary destruction left by the riots. There were those too, in their thousands, who gathered in peaceful anti-racism demonstrations to support the refugees and asylum seekers who felt so threatened. Lessons could certainly also be learned from every Team GB competitor who participated in the 2024 Olympic Games. Their sense of fellowship, integrity and sportsmanship was second to none.

The dreadful and wonderful events of the Summer of 2024 most definitely highlighted both the worst and the best of Britain. As we look to the future in our own peaceful, and relatively safe, Ministry Area community we have much to inspire hope as we approach September and the ensuing Autumn months.

Reverend Mark and Jess have invited us to join the very exciting Biblios course and in many individual churches, and whole Ministry Area, special services and social activities are currently being planned. We are fortunate indeed to be part of church communities, but it is inevitable that we all become overwhelmed by the challenges of everyday life, be they personal or worldly. In times of anxiety, it would benefit each one of us to focus on the positive and remember all the times that we are told in the Bible that we are loved and supported. In my old age the quote that always makes me smile is taken from Isaiah Chapter 46 verse 4 and tells us:

'I am your God and will take care of you until you are old, and your hair is grey.'

Jenny Morgan

In July 2014 I retired as an Assistant Headteacher and have been an active member of All Saints', Penyfai, since marrying in 1977, holding various posts of responsibility I have always been eager to promote the importance of working with the community. As the Lay Chair, I look forward to working collaboratively to establish a stronger Christian presence within communities so that we are 'stronger together.’


A unique gift, a unique calling, and a unique responsibility

