Church Should Be Safe.
Safeguarding means preventing harm to children and adults at risk by protecting them from abuse or neglect. The we in the Church in Wales is committed to safeguarding as an integral part of its life, mission and ministry and as such, we will:
Promote the wellbeing of children and adults at risk
Raise awareness of safeguarding within the Church
Work to prevent abuse or harm from occurring
Seek to protect and respond well to those that have been abused.
The Church in Wales is committed to fostering an environment where everyone is able to worship and participate in the life of the church in safety.
Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility
All who work for the Church, including clergy, employees, and volunteers, are regarded by the Church in Wales as persons woking in positions of trust within the Church and as such are expected to adhere to the safeguarding policy and associated procedures and practice guidance.
Please visit the safeguarding pages on our provincial website to access all the Church in Wales Safeguarding information and resources.
Our Safeguarding Officer
For general safeguarding enquiries, please contact:
Helen Harrison
01656 658074