Join the electoral roll of the Ministry Area of Penybont ar Ogwr
What is the Electoral Roll?
It is a list of names of the lay people of the Ministry Area, who are aged 16 and over, and who fill the conditions below.
Why does my name need to be on it?
Because only those whose names are on the Electoral Roll can:
stand for election to, and vote for, the Ministry Area Council;
be eligible to be a Churchwarden and vote for the People’s Warden;
vote for representatives on the Area Deanery Conference and the Diocesan Conference.
What are the Conditions?
“That I am qualified according to the provisions of Section 4(2) of Chapter IVC of Volume I of theConstitution of the Church in Wales.”
This means:
(2) A lay person who is over sixteen years of age shall be entitled to have his or her name enteredon the Roll if he or she:
(a) (i) is a Communicant; and
(ii) is not a member of any religious body which is not in communion with the Church in Wales, without the written dispensation of the Diocesan Bishop from this requirement;
(b) is resident in the Ministry Area, or, if not so resident, has habitually attended public worship in that Ministry Area during a period of six months prior to enrolment;
(c) has signed a form of application for enrolment; and
(d) does not have his or her name entered on the Roll of another Parish or Ministry Area inWales, save with the consent of the Ministry Area Councils or Parochial Church Councils of both Ministry Areas or Parishes.
How do I join?
Complete the form on this web page. Once you click submit, this will be sent to the Ministry Area Council (MAC) Secretary.
What then?
A list of the names on the Electoral Roll will be collated into a list, which is available for inspection prior to the Vestry Meeting each year. You can therefore check that your name has been entered and that your details are accurate.
If at any time you want your name removed, all you have to do is to request the Incumbent or the MAC Secretary ( ) in writing that it is removed. Every five years, a new roll is prepared, which means you will need to re-apply.
Note: Data Protection
The information on this form will be held on the electoral roll of the Ministry Area in accordance with Chapter IVC of the Constitution of the Church in Wales and the Parish’s Electoral Roll Privacy Notice.
Inspecting the electoral roll
In accordance with the Constitution of the Church in Wales a Church Electoral Roll for this Ministry Area has been prepared and is available for inspection.
Any Member of the Church in Wales may request to inspect the roll.
If you would like to do so, please contact to make arrangements.