The Ministry Area of Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr

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Sharing what God has provided

Unlike the stormy beginning to 2024, we have certainly experienced a very chilly start to 2025. During the icy conditions, it’s always difficult to comprehend the concept of global warming but who could deny the fact given the extreme weather conditions being reported from all corners of the world? The TV images of wildfires, severe storms and drought definitely give food for thought and it is reported that 2024 was the first year on record to pass the 1.5C global warming threshold. We are also told that, on average, the UK is getting more rain per year. Apparently up by 7 per cent or more over the past 30 years which I think we, particularly in Wales, can easily relate to.

During the winter months, even in our relatively comfortable lives, it is inevitable that our thoughts turn to increasing household bills, particularly in relation to energy costs. These, of course, apply to our churches too as the rising cost of living takes its toll. We are all extremely grateful when we arrive at our services to be warmly welcomed in all respects. Cold churches most certainly do not encourage us, or any newcomers, to attend or linger. Without doubt every single Ministry Area member is aware of the costs in maintaining our churches as we would wish them to be maintained. In addition to energy costs, there are insurance premiums (particularly vital in the light of recent break ins), regulatory inspections, ongoing repairs and the unexpected outgoings. It can all become a little alarming, perhaps even overwhelming, if we allowed it to be.

Of course, these concerns do not just apply to the churches in the Ministry Area of Penybont ar Ogwr, but to all churches in all ministry areas. We are not alone and have been saddened to hear of recent church closures. We are so fortunate in many respects as we continue to thrive with the support of each other and under the guidance of the Reverends Mark and Roger, Penny, Val and Pete and all the retired clergy who so willingly support us. We are so hopeful that the future might provide us with a third cleric, so hopeful, in fact that we have made our Common Fund pledge with this in mind. Many of you will remember, from the past, quota or ‘Fairer Share’ payments. As is the trend, a new term ‘Common Fund’ has now been introduced.

Following months of endless Diocesan financial discussion, the final calculations were released fairly recently. These are based on the number of stipends within each Ministry Area. In Penybont ar Ogwr we have pledged for three stipends in the fervent hope that we will be granted a third in the very near future. Pledging for two, which, of course, we currently have, meant that the third would not be considered. Our total pledge is £165,000 per year or £55,000 per stipend. It must be stressed that this is not the annual salary of any cleric. I’m sure that they wish it were! The pledges contribute to housing and pension costs in addition to stipends. In so many ways the pledges also secure the next generation of priests in that they fund education and training fees.  And where would ministry be without our much-valued priests?

During recent discussions as to the fairest method by which the pledge is shared across our eight Ministry Area churches, I recalled a lesson that I gave to seven ‘Nurture Group’ pupils, each of whom were included in the unit as a result of severe social, emotional or behavioural issues. Each child was presented with a cake on their birthday. One young man experienced the greatest of difficulties in sharing. I tried to explain the importance of this virtue. He just stared at his cake. Eventually he asked if I could help him cut the cake into seven pieces. Elated, I thought he had relented. On praising his generosity, he informed me ‘I’m not sharing. I want one slice for Monday, one for Tuesday……...’ He had at least learned that there are seven days in one week!

As adults, the Bible tells us that we will never know a full and joyful life until we are able to give out of generosity and share whatever God has provided. In Acts 20 we read those very familiar words ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’ Many challenges do lie ahead but there is hope in equal measure and boundless amounts of positivity throughout the whole Ministry Area.