Threshold of a New Year

As we stand on the ‘threshold’ of a new year we tend to look both backwards at the one just passing and forwards to the one to come. It is a time of reflection. We are acutely aware that 2024 held worldwide and local events both wonderful and dreadful, as, no doubt, will 2025. The one thing of which we can we certain is that, in 2024, in our Ministry Area of Penybont ar Ogwr we experienced both highs and lows. 

In the early months of the year, under the exceptional guidance of the Reverends Maggie and Roger, Penny, Val and Pete, we grew in strength. Wishing the Reverend Maggie retirement happiness at Eastertime, we were, very shortly after, in June 2024, at a joyous Licensing Service, blessed with a new Ministry Area Leader, the Reverend Mark, who brought with him both youth and enthusiasm, prompting me to be concerned about his inheritance of an elderly Lay Chair! Happily, however, he accepted his lot and moved forward enthusiastically. 

Indeed, we have all moved forward together, enjoying worship, prayer, fellowship, social activities, the Biblios course and, under the guidance of Mandy and Jo, our two Ministry Area Wardens, the return of a spectacular Christmas Tree Festival at Nolton Church which served to bring us as a Ministry Area, and the wider community, closer together. 

There were so many highs, with more to come, without question, but so many of us, in our varied church communities, have experienced lows in the form of personal sadness as a result of our own ill health or that of others, trauma or the loss of close friends and family members. We all approach a new year with a sense of both anticipation and also not a little trepidation. 

At this time some of us might make new year resolutions in that we promise to start doing something good or stop doing something bad from the first day of the year. There is something enticing about a new year’s resolution in that it might reveal a newer, better version of oneself. All very commendable if you are able to stick to those, often unrealistic, promises but, all too often, we set ourselves up to fail. Every new year presents a fresh start. Maybe you might wish to improve your health and fitness; reorganise your home or even commit random acts of kindness. 

Whatever your resolution, a good place to start might be with the recognition of all things good in your life. All that you might be grateful for as opposed to all that you are dissatisfied with. We truly have so much to be thankful for and in Proverbs 9 we are reminded that ‘In their hearts humans plan their course but the Lord establishes their steps.’ 

As a child, my lovely uncle wrote in my pristine, newly acquired autograph book, of which I was so proud, ‘Your life lies before you like a path of driven snow, be careful how you tread for every mark will show.’ Whatever 2025 holds in store, the hope is that each and every one of us, and all people in our fragile world, might experience peace, good health and happiness.

Jenny Morgan

In July 2014 I retired as an Assistant Headteacher and have been an active member of All Saints', Penyfai, since marrying in 1977, holding various posts of responsibility I have always been eager to promote the importance of working with the community. As the Lay Chair, I look forward to working collaboratively to establish a stronger Christian presence within communities so that we are 'stronger together.’




Of the Father’s Heart Begotten