Jesus is Enough

‘Jesus is enough’ – such an uplifting message from Archdeacon Rhod at our Michaelmas Joint Service. We saw 126 people from across the Ministry Area gather in Nolton Church, with many staying to enjoy fellowship after the service. I am told that this was the largest Sunday act of worship that has taken place since the founding of the Ministry Area. This is both a great encouragement, and an exhortation to keep going forwards.

We have a world of opportunity before us, as we become the people who God is calling us to be. A people of prayer, evangelism, hospitality, generosity. This is the sort of community that others will want to join. We can picture a future, not too far distant, where each of our 126 also brings along a new friend or relative, almost filling the church! The question for us is, are we ready for that many people? How would we disciple them, or teach them all to pray? What would we need to sacrifice if were to prepare them for baptism, confirmation, and first communion? How would we offer generous hospitality to 250 people? These are the questions we must begin to take seriously as we move our Ministry Area into growth.

We have another couple of Joint Services coming up before the end of the year, each an opportunity to introduce someone new, or to encourage someone who has fallen away:

-              Confirmation Sunday, 17th November. Led by the Mary Stallard, Bishop of Llandaff.

-              Final service of 2024, Sunday 29th December. ‘Fifth Sunday’ joint celebration.

During these services, we will begin to advertise, Alpha, which will run on Monday evenings from January 13th. With a simple shared supper at 7pm, followed by a video-led discussion, Alpha is designed to be a space where people can talk about faith in a welcoming environment.  Think about who you might invite, and begin to pray in a more focused way that they would come to know the Lord.

It is essential that all these things are grounded in prayer – we meet for our central 7.14 Prayer meeting every Wednesday in term time. It has been said that the prayer meeting is the engine room of the church. I have certainly found this to be so. It is the place where I am most encouraged and equipped. Do come and pray with us.

Mark Broadway

Lead Vicar. Married to Jessica, loves cooking, reading, his wax jacket and Nerf battles with his two sons. His book, Journeying with God in the Wilderness is available now from IVP.


Generous Hearts

