
Below you’ll find some recommended resources including books, apps, videos, and much more. If you’re looking for something else, or have any questions, get in touch.

  • Set up a monthly donation

    Having a chance to give as part of our worship is vital because giving signals a pursuit of joy. As Christians we seek the joy of the Lord, and when we find it, we share it. Giving, and freewill offering, is part of this seeking after joy.

  • A video from the Bible Project on generosity

    God’s generous love turns death into life and scarcity into abundance.

  • John Mark Comer: Generosity

    In this four part teaching series, John Mark Comer addresses four different aspects of generosity as taught by Jesus in the gospels.

  • Blog: Joyful Giving

    Rev Mark Broadway’s blog on joyful giving.

Our four cultural pillars