Of the Father’s Heart Begotten
One of my favourite Christmas Carols is Of The Father's Heart Begotten. I especially enjoy the 1906 translation of the original poem that comes down to us from the middle of the 4th century.
The hymn states:
Of the Father's heart begotten, 'Ere the world from chaos rose,
He is Alpha, from that Fountain. All that is and hath been flows;
He is Omega, of all things, Yet to come the mystic Close,
Evermore and evermore.
Singing this verse reminds us of the first story in the Bible. There, the Word of God is spoken. Causing light, order, and life to spring from nothing. The Christian story continues as the Word of God is born in human flesh so that he might speak a fresh word. The word which he now brings is not ‘light out of darkness’, but ‘light into darkness’ . He enters our darkness, overcoming it with his light. This is to say that, in Christ, God comes into the darkness, chaos, and death of our story, and makes it his own; so that we can make his story ours. He owns our darkness, chaos, and mortality by his incarnation, so that by faith we can own his light, order, and life.
It is not possible to escape darkness, chaos, or mortality whilst we live on this earth; but, at Christmas we remember that Christ is at work in our midst speaking light, speaking order, speaking life. If I don’t see you over the coming week, may I wish you a very merry Christmas, and a happy New Year.
Alpha begins Monday 13th January. We have had a brilliant response so far, but please do keep inviting. Use the Invitation Cards which should be at the back of church. Sign up now MarkBroadway@cinw.org.uk